It has been almost six months to the day since we did our last entry on the blog with "Cold Cucumber Soup" ....... Now that soup was good, really good, but that's not the reason it has taken us six months to get back to things ..... It was 'the things themselves' that has taken us six months before we could finally get back to doing a blog update ......... Sorry about leaving you hanging out there, while we did 'our thing' in tropical paradise........ Still, then again, if you were half-smart you'd have bought yourself a yacht and done the same things ...... We did have a very nice one ' For Sale ' ...... "Did have" ...... ARITA has now been sold to a wonderful sailor from 'Snow' country up North ...Much more about that later ...... But first we need to do a little catching up ......... After the Cucumber soup we took a little diversion back to Florida for a family Christmas trip ..... wait a minute .... There was 'The Queen's Birthday' celebration before all of that ..... How could I forget .... Let me slip out from under that marvelous Caribbean rum haze ......
That was in December when the world above us to the North was feeling the frostbite ...... Hence the igloo on the icing ..... But here the rum flowed freely thus acting like the perfect " ANTIFREEZE " .....
And it would be wonderful if I could remember half of the names of all the Queen's admirers and subjects ...... Five months ago that might have been possible ...... They all had fun ..... That much I can remember ....
Big party supporters have been Harry and Linda on the sunset catamaran "KUHELA" (above) and our sister-ship owners Mark and Willie on "LIAHONA" who, before sailing south, said to me " Check out your impellor before you run the engine ...... Well, kind of speaks for itself now doesn't it ..... Thanks Mark ..... The impellor pushes the cooling saltwater through the engine ..... The one on the right does .... The one on the left that I took out, not so much ......
So there we were in the middle of December with iguanas none the worse for wear and a fluffy bird's nest parked amongst the red hibiscus ...... Yes this is paradise in winter .......... Thus a trip north to Florida, cold winter Florida needs planning for ...... You know, shoes and socks, trousers ..... Goodbye speedos .....
Oh, ..... I found those missing impellor fins stuck in the oil-cooler heat-exchanger .... And the "Queen's" bags are packed ready for seeing her grand-daughter "Sophie" .... That's "LIAHONA" our sister-ship in the background ..... AVIS is waiting for us in Jacksonville at the airport ..... Better start to get ready .....
And the iguana thinks he ought to come along for the ride ..... Little does he know he's going to need 'long johns' for Florida .... After all, check out Laurie in Florida winter gear .... We are talking southern Florida here .......
Where even 'SANTA' has had a bike accident and the latest cars are now softies ..... 'Bubble mobiles' .... Obviously we have been away for awhile ...... I didn't think 'SANTA' was allowed to drink and drive ...... Bet there's lots more shocks in store for us ..... OK, I need to think some more and work on RECALL ...... There'll be more very, very soon .... Promise .... If I can get used to all the things I didn't know I missed ..... What if someone sticks a pin in those bubble cars?...... Bubble cars and blow up bikes.... What's next?
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