
Friday, August 24, 2012


No, we haven't been on 'vacation' for the last two and a half months ..... Some people of course, think that we're always on vacation ...... And no, we haven't been eaten by these awesome iguanas ....... You see, we've been working on "SOUTHERN COMFORT" and trying to keep our head above water (which at times is synonymous with sweat level) ..... But now that Tropical Storm "ISAAC" is passing over us we can begin planning to exit the mangroves ....... We will take time out to update the blog with all of the happenings of the last few months ..... And after that we'll get back into full time boat work ..... Give us a day or so, or at least until power and internet are fully restored ..... TS "ISAAC" will shortly become a hurricane, and is heading north to Haiti and Florida and bound to become destructive ....... We do apologise for keeping you 'hanging in suspense' ..... But that's a good thing ........

Caribbean storms like "ISAAC" during the hurricane season are humongous ...... "ISAAC" is at least 300 miles wide ... That's 500 and something kilometers ...... And the only escape for a yacht is to dive into the mangroves and tie off as best you can ..... We saw a friend of 'WILSON' (from the movie 'Castaway (Tom Hanks)) washed up on shore who has seen it all .....Lips pursed, eyes shut and his hair blown to pieces ......... He's a long way from home and the coconut palm where his life began .... Poor bugger ...... We'll be back soon ......

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