Clouds and cold fronts continue to roll through and the winds have not yet abated ...........We continue to be anchored in a 'wind tunnel' which has its benefits .............. The wind generator on the mizzen mast has several times recorded 30 amps ...... Which is fantastic and shows we were not kidding about the wind ....... Take a look at the other photo above (double-click on it) ........ That's the red 'port' channel marker at the reef entrance to the Sound, ripped from its mooring and now washed ashore with the light still working .......... Getting off the boat is however another story, and a quick walk on shore, the closest one to us, revealed how easily you can miss out on the very best ................ Barely fifty yards (metres) from where we are anchored in the wind, and only four yards beyond the beach are some invisible lagoons, and just look at what we found .................
Just beyond those mangroves in the shore-side sand, completely hidden from the casual eye, are two lagoons, ............... And at the sandy edges and bottom of those lagoons are thousands of little crabs and crustaceans, the ready food-source for exotic pink flamingos..............Now you would be lucky if you get a little plastic flamingo as a stirrer in a martini glass, or just as fortunate if you can get the larger plastic version to plant in your tropical gardens .............. But what we found was real and in the wild .............
You just have to double click on these photos to show the beauty that almost escaped us .................
With incredible stealth and the patience of 'Job', Laurie approached the lagoon not only to take the photos, but to see the difference between male and female and to savor their exquisite plumage, their mincing steps, their rummaging of the bottom sand and then to watch with fascination as each one scooped a mouthful of these crustaceans in a backward head swing not unlike ' a slow-motion golfer on the green' ............ Nature near perfect ........... Like a glimpse from the 'Garden of Eden' ........
And if you ate those same little shrimps, day in and day out, you too would end up pink all over .................. Wait a minute ............ SOME OF US ARE ARE PINK ALL OVER ......
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